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How to read your CHS statement

Read about your statement details and how to read your statements

Statement details

  • All payments are due on the 20th of the month
  • Billing periods cover a full calendar month billing cycle
  • Finance charges are standardized at 18% annual, or 1.5% monthly on past due balances
  • If you are enrolled in ACH, funds are withdrawn from your account on or near the 20th (holidays, weekends and other factors may move this date by a few days)

Statements are now available to view online.

How to read your CHS statement

If you live in Montana then your statement looks slightly different. Learn how to read your Montana CHS statement.

  1. Account Number
  2. Statement Dates: Begin, End, Due Date
  3. Current Due: This is the amount you owe CHS. If amount is preceded by a minus sign, that indicates a credit balance and no payment is due
  4. Remit To Address: Payment can be mailed to this address or dropped off at any of our CHS offices.
  5. Date: Date product or service was provided
  6. Inv Due Date: Date payment is due for this invoice
  7. PO/TKT#: Number on ticket when product was picked up
  8. Invoice Number: Individual invoice number
  9. Description: Description of product or service provided
  10. Qty: Number of units, acres or other merchandise provided
  11. Unit Price
  12. Invoice Total: Total of individual lines for each invoice
  13. Payment Received: Lists any payments received
  14. Running Balance: Running total of all invoices and payments, which can be a credit balance if minus sign precedes amount
  15. Summary By Category: This is a detailed summary by category for the statement period each month with total quantity and total dollars
  16. Account Status: Indicates any prepay, current balance and past due balances on your account.
  17. Begin Prepay: Prepay balance from previous month’s statement
    A - Prepay Increase: Prepaid dollars received this statement period
    B - Prepay Decrease: Prepaid dollars applied to this statement
    C - End Prepay Balance: Remaining prepay for this statement
  18. Begin Budget: Previous month’s budget balance
    A - Budget Activity: Additional invoices generated in this statement period, less deliveries made
    B - End Budget Balance: Total (budget invoices generated, less deliveries made) Will be positive value, if additional invoices exceed deliveries made
  19. Future/Deferred: Amount due at a future date
  20. Current Due: Amount due this statement
  21. Total balance: Total of current and future amounts due
  22. Number of Pages in Statement
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